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Services for Contracting Authorities

Types of work

Leyla acts as a consultant, sparring partner, counsel and litigation lawyer for contracting authorities. Frequently asked questions:

  • Do we as an organisation have to call for tenders? Read: does our organisation qualify as a contracting authority or institution governed by public law?
  • What is the correct tendering procedure for our contract? A traditional one (public and restricted) or a special one (for instance, involving a competitive dialogue procedure and an innovation partnership)?
  • Can we award the contract one to one? For instance, through quasi-internal procurement or public-public or public-private partnerships.
  • We are keen to include aspects of corporate social responsibility, sustainability (including the Europe 2020 goals and Green Deals) and innovation in our tender. What is the best way to go about it?
  • In the care sector, would it be best to opt for an open-house model, administrative tendering or rather a procedure for social and other specific services (a so-called SAS procedure)?
  • We have received a complaint. What is the best way to deal with it?
  • An unsuccessful tenderer is objecting to the provisional award decision. What now?
  • We want to amend the tender agreement. Is this allowed or does this qualify as a substantial amendment, and therefore not permitted?


Leyla has experience in a wide range of sectors, such as ICT, education and culture (including civic integration), healthcare and pharmaceuticals, waste and recycling, utility sectors (energy and water), transport and construction and real estate (including housing associations). For these sectors, she advises on procurement law as well as related legal areas such as contract law, the Dutch Act on Government and Free Markets (in Dutch: Wet Markt en Overheid) and state aid. References can be provided on request.

Education and culture
Care and pharmaceuticals
Waste recycling
Utilities sectors: energy and water
Transport, construction and real estate