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Services for tenderers

Types of work

Leyla acts as a consultant, sparring partner, lawyer and litigation lawyer for companies. Legal protection for market participants is only possible when questions are asked and complaints lodged, and if the response is unsatisfactory, lodging an objection with the internal complaints desk, the Committee of Procurement Experts and/or the court in preliminary relief proceedings. Frequently asked questions posed by tenderers include:

  • We believe that the contract that is issued to tender does not need to be put out to tender. Is that true?
  • The contract is awarded to our competitor as a private deal and without a tender, is that allowed?
  • May we influence a future tendering process? If so, how can we do so legitimately?
  • The tender has been written in favor of one market participant. Is this allowed?
  • The contracting party is sticking to its unreasonable positions in the tender procedure. What is the best way forward?
  • The requirements stipulated in the tender process are unreasonable. What is the best way to deal with this?
  • We do not agree with the assessment of our bid and/or the outcome of the tender. What now?


Leyla has experience in a wide range of sectors, such as ICT, education and culture (including civic integration), healthcare and pharmaceuticals, waste and recycling, utility sectors (energy and water), transport and construction and real estate (including housing associations). For these sectors, she advises on procurement law as well as related legal areas such as contract law, the Dutch Act on Government and Free Markets (in Dutch: Wet Markt en Overheid) and state aid.

Education and culture
Care and pharmaceuticals
Waste recycling
Utilities sectors: energy and water
Transport, construction and real estate